Hi-5 Hand Unit

Further. Stronger. Faster.

ARRI Hi-5 camera hand unit logo.
5th generation intelligent hand unit

The new ARRI Hi‑5 is the most sophisticated hand unit on the market, providing reliable wireless camera and multi-axis lens control. Weatherproof and solidly built, it features an exceptional radio link range and unique, swappable radio modules for different territories and shooting challenges.   

Get to know the new SUP 2.1!

  • Improved ECS system performance 
  • RF-900 Radio Module support 
  • Cinefade license support 
  • Virtual T-Stop and Virtual Focal-Length 
  • New Focus Rings menu and handling 

… and much more! 

Check out the new features of Hi-5 SUP 3.0

The orange radio is AMAZING. I have zero issues with signal, range and sending lens files. Just works.


Ryan Parkins

Focus Puller/1st AC

Having worked with ARRI wireless focus systems almost exclusively for over 20 years, using SUP 2.0 for the Hi‑5 and RIA‑1 is a game-changer in terms of responsiveness, stability, Focusbug integration, and customization to my personal needs. A lot of thought and diligence went into the development, which shows at once. Thank you for making my life as a focus puller that much easier!

Aurel Wunderer_af_BS86197

Aurel Wunderer

1st AC

With SUP 2.0, Hi‑5 becomes even more of a time-saver on set. Thanks to the overhauled LDA programming, creating lens tables is faster than ever. Hi‑5 now automatically calculates the values of our focus axis, which immensely reduces the time spent programming all my lenses during prep. Combined with a customizable home screen featuring six more user buttons, I can access all my favorite functions on a single page, reduce menu navigation even further, and speed up lens changes a lot.

Florian Bellack_ARRI Hi-5 (1)

Florian Bellack

1st AC

The SUP 2.0 upgrade has changed my on-set workflow, with so many new features that let me work more efficiently. The new lens file manager allows me to handle my lens files on set from the hand unit with no external tools needed, while the accurate spectrum analyzer has made finding the best channel for the day drastically easier in busy RF environments. Best of all is the custom homepage with six fully customizable user buttons, so I can set my page for any job using whatever adjustments I need from one screen.

Jim McLean_ARRI Hi-5

Jim McLean

1st AC

The Hi‑5 continues to amaze me. This latest update enables me to utilize more and more functions quickly, accurately and with confidence. The integration with the Hi‑5 and Cine RT lets me be nimbler and more accurate as we shoot. The Hi‑5 is reliable, innovative, and best of all, backed up by the people at ARRI who want to keep improving their products to be the best they can be.

Phil Smith_image002 (2)

Phil Smith

1st AC

I've really enjoyed testing the Hi‑5 2.0 firmware. The frequency analyzer is the fantastic addition I've always wished for! It's made maintaining stable connection to the camera immensely easier, shooting in both WiFi-saturated urban environments and multi-camera situations. I also love the new lens file browser system, customizable user button page, and the ease of setting up and changing user buttons. Everything is now where I want it to be so I can work more quickly with my particular style.

Michael Paletta_Hi-5

Michael Paletta

1st AC

The biggest feature of the Hi‑5 for me is the swappable radio modules – I feel more confident as a Focus Puller and know that I won’t lose connection in those important shots where a re-take isn’t possible. The Hi‑5 & cforce mini RF is a very convenient package: I can use with any camera setup, have playback and camera control and wireless transfer lens files.

Bobby Rao_1

Bobby Rao

Focus Puller/1st AC

The Hi‑5 has opened new doors when it comes to onset workflow and efficiency. Smart pre marked rings cutting down on menu flipping timing during lens changes. Camera control with a swipe of a finger. Integrating focus bug technology to limit how many remote controllers you´ve to carry. The Hi‑5 is doing it all and more as new features become available! I can´t see myself using a different hand unit.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Brian Aichlmayr

1st AC

The Hi‑5 unit has been a game-changer for me. As soon as you pick it up, you can feel the more streamlined designinstantly. It hugs your hands better than any handset currently on the market.The fresh menu layout flows more organically than its predecessors, and the addition of the touchscreen means immediate adjustments.The new method to change lens data files is a major improvement – quicker and more intuitive accessibility, plus the new ‘recent’ page means far less waiting time for a fix on sharps after swinging. Less fiddling through menus has made LDA changes instant.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Anthony Rilocarpo

1st AC

Focus pulling has always been a tough challenge in Hong Kong. We often have to shoot in confined spaces, and ACs can only work from afar or without a line of sight to the camera. Interference is also quite severe here, where wireless devices are widely used. The powerful radio signal of the new Hi‑5 gives me the highest confidence in terms of stability.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Kei Ching Lui

1st AC

There is virtually no lag between the Hi‑5 and the motor. Being a little old fashioned, I prefer to be close to the camera, so the hand unit’s responsiveness really is a treat when dealing with fast focus pulls. One of the features I love most is the new lens menu where you can manually set parameters to display the depth of field indicators. I love playing around with the depth of field in terms of where I place the focus, so this feature makes me extremely happy.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Mohd Abudin Abdullah

1st AC

Compared to the WCU‑4, the Hi‑5 has no more dropped connections, and the focus knob feels firmer and more comfortable in my hands. The buttons are easier to press, which means that I haven't made any REC mistakes. The touch panel is also quite intuitive and easy to use for any operation.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Shingo Ito

1st AC

All I can say - the Hi‑5 is my companion. Hi‑5 is exactly what I’ve been waiting for, for years. I don’t have to change battery every few hours because Hi‑5 works whole day on one battery. Changing premarked rings has never been that easy. ECS Sync app allows me to store all LDA maps in my iPhone and share with my colleagues. New menu and pages are very intuitive. Hi‑5 gives me the opportunity to control cameras easier and faster.

1st AC works with the ARRI hi5.

Andrzej Hijewski

1st AC

The first thing I thought when I held it in my hands was actually, 'The Eagle has landed.' It’s an absolutely 'from you for you' product, because I can see an extremely large amount of input from assistants in the industry implemented. The Hi‑5 feels great and I'm quite sure it will become the new gold standard for focus pullers worldwide.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Karl Keil

1st AC

It's one thing to keep a shot in focus; it's another to support your DP's artistic vision. While juggling these tasks, I have to fully rely on a tool that enables me to control every aspect of camera work on set. The Hi‑5, while allowing me to do all of this, is a reliable companion that fades into the background when I need to concentrate, and offers surprisingly versatile ways to tackle all challenges that set life throws at me.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Georg Lanz

1st AC

If you get your hands on the Hi‑5 you will not want to go back. It feels like they listened to all the wishes we focus pullers had to create a device which helps us to perform at our best on set.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Alois Kozar

1st AC

The orange radio is AMAZING. I have zero issues with signal, range and sending lens files. Just works.


Ryan Parkins

Focus Puller/1st AC

Having worked with ARRI wireless focus systems almost exclusively for over 20 years, using SUP 2.0 for the Hi‑5 and RIA‑1 is a game-changer in terms of responsiveness, stability, Focusbug integration, and customization to my personal needs. A lot of thought and diligence went into the development, which shows at once. Thank you for making my life as a focus puller that much easier!

Aurel Wunderer_af_BS86197

Aurel Wunderer

1st AC

With SUP 2.0, Hi‑5 becomes even more of a time-saver on set. Thanks to the overhauled LDA programming, creating lens tables is faster than ever. Hi‑5 now automatically calculates the values of our focus axis, which immensely reduces the time spent programming all my lenses during prep. Combined with a customizable home screen featuring six more user buttons, I can access all my favorite functions on a single page, reduce menu navigation even further, and speed up lens changes a lot.

Florian Bellack_ARRI Hi-5 (1)

Florian Bellack

1st AC

The SUP 2.0 upgrade has changed my on-set workflow, with so many new features that let me work more efficiently. The new lens file manager allows me to handle my lens files on set from the hand unit with no external tools needed, while the accurate spectrum analyzer has made finding the best channel for the day drastically easier in busy RF environments. Best of all is the custom homepage with six fully customizable user buttons, so I can set my page for any job using whatever adjustments I need from one screen.

Jim McLean_ARRI Hi-5

Jim McLean

1st AC

The Hi‑5 continues to amaze me. This latest update enables me to utilize more and more functions quickly, accurately and with confidence. The integration with the Hi‑5 and Cine RT lets me be nimbler and more accurate as we shoot. The Hi‑5 is reliable, innovative, and best of all, backed up by the people at ARRI who want to keep improving their products to be the best they can be.

Phil Smith_image002 (2)

Phil Smith

1st AC

I've really enjoyed testing the Hi‑5 2.0 firmware. The frequency analyzer is the fantastic addition I've always wished for! It's made maintaining stable connection to the camera immensely easier, shooting in both WiFi-saturated urban environments and multi-camera situations. I also love the new lens file browser system, customizable user button page, and the ease of setting up and changing user buttons. Everything is now where I want it to be so I can work more quickly with my particular style.

Michael Paletta_Hi-5

Michael Paletta

1st AC

The biggest feature of the Hi‑5 for me is the swappable radio modules – I feel more confident as a Focus Puller and know that I won’t lose connection in those important shots where a re-take isn’t possible. The Hi‑5 & cforce mini RF is a very convenient package: I can use with any camera setup, have playback and camera control and wireless transfer lens files.

Bobby Rao_1

Bobby Rao

Focus Puller/1st AC

The Hi‑5 has opened new doors when it comes to onset workflow and efficiency. Smart pre marked rings cutting down on menu flipping timing during lens changes. Camera control with a swipe of a finger. Integrating focus bug technology to limit how many remote controllers you´ve to carry. The Hi‑5 is doing it all and more as new features become available! I can´t see myself using a different hand unit.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Brian Aichlmayr

1st AC

The Hi‑5 unit has been a game-changer for me. As soon as you pick it up, you can feel the more streamlined designinstantly. It hugs your hands better than any handset currently on the market.The fresh menu layout flows more organically than its predecessors, and the addition of the touchscreen means immediate adjustments.The new method to change lens data files is a major improvement – quicker and more intuitive accessibility, plus the new ‘recent’ page means far less waiting time for a fix on sharps after swinging. Less fiddling through menus has made LDA changes instant.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Anthony Rilocarpo

1st AC

Focus pulling has always been a tough challenge in Hong Kong. We often have to shoot in confined spaces, and ACs can only work from afar or without a line of sight to the camera. Interference is also quite severe here, where wireless devices are widely used. The powerful radio signal of the new Hi‑5 gives me the highest confidence in terms of stability.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Kei Ching Lui

1st AC

There is virtually no lag between the Hi‑5 and the motor. Being a little old fashioned, I prefer to be close to the camera, so the hand unit’s responsiveness really is a treat when dealing with fast focus pulls. One of the features I love most is the new lens menu where you can manually set parameters to display the depth of field indicators. I love playing around with the depth of field in terms of where I place the focus, so this feature makes me extremely happy.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Mohd Abudin Abdullah

1st AC

Compared to the WCU‑4, the Hi‑5 has no more dropped connections, and the focus knob feels firmer and more comfortable in my hands. The buttons are easier to press, which means that I haven't made any REC mistakes. The touch panel is also quite intuitive and easy to use for any operation.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Shingo Ito

1st AC

All I can say - the Hi‑5 is my companion. Hi‑5 is exactly what I’ve been waiting for, for years. I don’t have to change battery every few hours because Hi‑5 works whole day on one battery. Changing premarked rings has never been that easy. ECS Sync app allows me to store all LDA maps in my iPhone and share with my colleagues. New menu and pages are very intuitive. Hi‑5 gives me the opportunity to control cameras easier and faster.

1st AC works with the ARRI hi5.

Andrzej Hijewski

1st AC

The first thing I thought when I held it in my hands was actually, 'The Eagle has landed.' It’s an absolutely 'from you for you' product, because I can see an extremely large amount of input from assistants in the industry implemented. The Hi‑5 feels great and I'm quite sure it will become the new gold standard for focus pullers worldwide.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Karl Keil

1st AC

It's one thing to keep a shot in focus; it's another to support your DP's artistic vision. While juggling these tasks, I have to fully rely on a tool that enables me to control every aspect of camera work on set. The Hi‑5, while allowing me to do all of this, is a reliable companion that fades into the background when I need to concentrate, and offers surprisingly versatile ways to tackle all challenges that set life throws at me.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Georg Lanz

1st AC

If you get your hands on the Hi‑5 you will not want to go back. It feels like they listened to all the wishes we focus pullers had to create a device which helps us to perform at our best on set.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Alois Kozar

1st AC

The orange radio is AMAZING. I have zero issues with signal, range and sending lens files. Just works.


Ryan Parkins

Focus Puller/1st AC

Having worked with ARRI wireless focus systems almost exclusively for over 20 years, using SUP 2.0 for the Hi‑5 and RIA‑1 is a game-changer in terms of responsiveness, stability, Focusbug integration, and customization to my personal needs. A lot of thought and diligence went into the development, which shows at once. Thank you for making my life as a focus puller that much easier!

Aurel Wunderer_af_BS86197

Aurel Wunderer

1st AC

With SUP 2.0, Hi‑5 becomes even more of a time-saver on set. Thanks to the overhauled LDA programming, creating lens tables is faster than ever. Hi‑5 now automatically calculates the values of our focus axis, which immensely reduces the time spent programming all my lenses during prep. Combined with a customizable home screen featuring six more user buttons, I can access all my favorite functions on a single page, reduce menu navigation even further, and speed up lens changes a lot.

Florian Bellack_ARRI Hi-5 (1)

Florian Bellack

1st AC

The SUP 2.0 upgrade has changed my on-set workflow, with so many new features that let me work more efficiently. The new lens file manager allows me to handle my lens files on set from the hand unit with no external tools needed, while the accurate spectrum analyzer has made finding the best channel for the day drastically easier in busy RF environments. Best of all is the custom homepage with six fully customizable user buttons, so I can set my page for any job using whatever adjustments I need from one screen.

Jim McLean_ARRI Hi-5

Jim McLean

1st AC

The Hi‑5 continues to amaze me. This latest update enables me to utilize more and more functions quickly, accurately and with confidence. The integration with the Hi‑5 and Cine RT lets me be nimbler and more accurate as we shoot. The Hi‑5 is reliable, innovative, and best of all, backed up by the people at ARRI who want to keep improving their products to be the best they can be.

Phil Smith_image002 (2)

Phil Smith

1st AC

I've really enjoyed testing the Hi‑5 2.0 firmware. The frequency analyzer is the fantastic addition I've always wished for! It's made maintaining stable connection to the camera immensely easier, shooting in both WiFi-saturated urban environments and multi-camera situations. I also love the new lens file browser system, customizable user button page, and the ease of setting up and changing user buttons. Everything is now where I want it to be so I can work more quickly with my particular style.

Michael Paletta_Hi-5

Michael Paletta

1st AC

The biggest feature of the Hi‑5 for me is the swappable radio modules – I feel more confident as a Focus Puller and know that I won’t lose connection in those important shots where a re-take isn’t possible. The Hi‑5 & cforce mini RF is a very convenient package: I can use with any camera setup, have playback and camera control and wireless transfer lens files.

Bobby Rao_1

Bobby Rao

Focus Puller/1st AC

The Hi‑5 has opened new doors when it comes to onset workflow and efficiency. Smart pre marked rings cutting down on menu flipping timing during lens changes. Camera control with a swipe of a finger. Integrating focus bug technology to limit how many remote controllers you´ve to carry. The Hi‑5 is doing it all and more as new features become available! I can´t see myself using a different hand unit.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Brian Aichlmayr

1st AC

The Hi‑5 unit has been a game-changer for me. As soon as you pick it up, you can feel the more streamlined designinstantly. It hugs your hands better than any handset currently on the market.The fresh menu layout flows more organically than its predecessors, and the addition of the touchscreen means immediate adjustments.The new method to change lens data files is a major improvement – quicker and more intuitive accessibility, plus the new ‘recent’ page means far less waiting time for a fix on sharps after swinging. Less fiddling through menus has made LDA changes instant.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Anthony Rilocarpo

1st AC

Focus pulling has always been a tough challenge in Hong Kong. We often have to shoot in confined spaces, and ACs can only work from afar or without a line of sight to the camera. Interference is also quite severe here, where wireless devices are widely used. The powerful radio signal of the new Hi‑5 gives me the highest confidence in terms of stability.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Kei Ching Lui

1st AC

There is virtually no lag between the Hi‑5 and the motor. Being a little old fashioned, I prefer to be close to the camera, so the hand unit’s responsiveness really is a treat when dealing with fast focus pulls. One of the features I love most is the new lens menu where you can manually set parameters to display the depth of field indicators. I love playing around with the depth of field in terms of where I place the focus, so this feature makes me extremely happy.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Mohd Abudin Abdullah

1st AC

Compared to the WCU‑4, the Hi‑5 has no more dropped connections, and the focus knob feels firmer and more comfortable in my hands. The buttons are easier to press, which means that I haven't made any REC mistakes. The touch panel is also quite intuitive and easy to use for any operation.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Shingo Ito

1st AC

All I can say - the Hi‑5 is my companion. Hi‑5 is exactly what I’ve been waiting for, for years. I don’t have to change battery every few hours because Hi‑5 works whole day on one battery. Changing premarked rings has never been that easy. ECS Sync app allows me to store all LDA maps in my iPhone and share with my colleagues. New menu and pages are very intuitive. Hi‑5 gives me the opportunity to control cameras easier and faster.

1st AC works with the ARRI hi5.

Andrzej Hijewski

1st AC

The first thing I thought when I held it in my hands was actually, 'The Eagle has landed.' It’s an absolutely 'from you for you' product, because I can see an extremely large amount of input from assistants in the industry implemented. The Hi‑5 feels great and I'm quite sure it will become the new gold standard for focus pullers worldwide.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Karl Keil

1st AC

It's one thing to keep a shot in focus; it's another to support your DP's artistic vision. While juggling these tasks, I have to fully rely on a tool that enables me to control every aspect of camera work on set. The Hi‑5, while allowing me to do all of this, is a reliable companion that fades into the background when I need to concentrate, and offers surprisingly versatile ways to tackle all challenges that set life throws at me.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Georg Lanz

1st AC

If you get your hands on the Hi‑5 you will not want to go back. It feels like they listened to all the wishes we focus pullers had to create a device which helps us to perform at our best on set.

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 in action.

Alois Kozar

1st AC

Making your life easier on set


  • Hot-swap battery technology 
  • Modular hardware and upgradeable software 
  • Non-visual alerts via vibrating haptic feedback
  • Adaptable to future standards and networks 


  • Multi-axis lens control
  • Powerful radio signal cuts through interference
  • Up to 100 virtual radio channels
  • Split-second reconnection time
  • High-contrast display 


  • Swappable radio modules for different regions/situations
  • Three user buttons for personalized functions
  • Full camera control (including third-party cameras)
  • Focus knob adjustable to operator preferences 
  • Focusbug Cine RT support


  • Fast and efficient new ECS ecosystem
  • Smart pre-marked focus rings detected automatically 
  • Integrated NATO rail and multiple mounting points
  • ECS Sync App: easy software updates and lens file management
  • Customizable touchscreen user interface


  • Best rain, temperature, and dust protection on the market 
  • Exceptionally strong materials and build quality
  • Intelligent, high-capacity batteries 
  • A tool that can be trusted for heavy use over many years


  • Hot-swap battery technology 
  • Modular hardware and upgradeable software 
  • Non-visual alerts via vibrating haptic feedback
  • Adaptable to future standards and networks 


  • Multi-axis lens control
  • Powerful radio signal cuts through interference
  • Up to 100 virtual radio channels
  • Split-second reconnection time
  • High-contrast display 
Coloured marking of the outgoing signal from the camera hand unit ARRI Hi-5.
Superior signal quality and longer range, cutting through interference
Swappable radio modules of the camera hand unit ARRI hi-5.
Swappable radio modules: adapt to any situation
Representation of the integrated NATO rail and several mounting points of the camera hand unit ARRI hi-5.
Integrated NATO rail and multiple mounting points
Demonstrate simplified management of lens files and software updates using a mobile phone connected to the ARRI Hi-5.
Easy software updates and simplified lens file management
Handheld camera control unit ARRI hi5 occupied by frost.
Absolute reliability in extreme conditions -20 °C / +50 °C
Coloured marking of the outgoing signal from the camera hand unit ARRI Hi-5.
Superior signal quality and longer range, cutting through interference
Swappable radio modules of the camera hand unit ARRI hi-5.
Swappable radio modules: adapt to any situation
Representation of the integrated NATO rail and several mounting points of the camera hand unit ARRI hi-5.
Integrated NATO rail and multiple mounting points
Demonstrate simplified management of lens files and software updates using a mobile phone connected to the ARRI Hi-5.
Easy software updates and simplified lens file management
Handheld camera control unit ARRI hi5 occupied by frost.
Absolute reliability in extreme conditions -20 °C / +50 °C
Coloured marking of the outgoing signal from the camera hand unit ARRI Hi-5.
Superior signal quality and longer range, cutting through interference
Swappable radio modules of the camera hand unit ARRI hi-5.
Swappable radio modules: adapt to any situation
Representation of the integrated NATO rail and several mounting points of the camera hand unit ARRI hi-5.
Integrated NATO rail and multiple mounting points
Demonstrate simplified management of lens files and software updates using a mobile phone connected to the ARRI Hi-5.
Easy software updates and simplified lens file management
Handheld camera control unit ARRI hi5 occupied by frost.
Absolute reliability in extreme conditions -20 °C / +50 °C

Hi-5 ecosystem

Get to know the system

Li-ion Battery Pack

ARRI's high-capacity Li-ion Battery Pack allows a precise readout of remaining battery capacity to be displayed on the Hi‑5 screen.

RF-EMIP, RF-2400, and RF-900

Three interchangeable radio modules, each suitable for different frequency regulations and shooting situations.

Radio Interface Adapter RIA-1

Works as a motor controller that supports ARRI radio modules and can function as either a receiver or transmitter.

ECS Sync App 

This iOS app enables file sharing, news and software updates, and answers FAQs about the ECS ecosystem. 

Smart Focus Rings

Speed up your workflow with our large selection of pre-marked focus rings, featuring electronic ring detection.

Li-ion Battery Pack

ARRI's high-capacity Li-ion Battery Pack allows a precise readout of remaining battery capacity to be displayed on the Hi‑5 screen.

RF-EMIP, RF-2400, and RF-900

Three interchangeable radio modules, each suitable for different frequency regulations and shooting situations.

Radio modules
Radio interface
Focus rings

Product video for the ARRI Hi-5 showing the versatility of the handheld camera control unit and the corresponding products.

Personalize your configuration

  • Focusbug License

    • Adjust many of the Focusbug settings directly from the Hi‑5
    • Display two dynamic distance values from horns or bugs
    • Synchronize marks from the Cine RT handset to the Hi‑5 focus scale
    • Set and toggle many common functions such as limits, lockouts, film plane offset, sensitivity, and field of view.
    • For more information, view the Tech Talk here
  • Cinefade License

    • Motorized variable ND filter control from ND 0.4 to ND 2.7
    • Motorized polarizer control
    • Dynamic depth-of-field control
    • For more information head to
    • Or view the Tech Talk here
  • Sony Camera Control License

    • Compatible with Sony Venice and Sony Venice 2
    • Control in standard mode: frame rate, ND filter, playback with next/previous selection
    • Additional control in RCP Mode: shutter speed, ISO (as gain in dB), white balance
    • For more information, view the Tech Talk here
  • RED Camera Control License

    • Compatible with DSMC2 and DSMC3 cameras
    • Control over frame rate, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, ND filter, user buttons, and playback with clip list handling.
    • For more information, view the Tech Talk here

Versatile connection and mounting options

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 LBUS port in focus.
LBUS port
  • Update LBUS devices connected to the Hi‑5 via the ECS Sync App
  • Hardwire the Hi‑5 to ARRI cameras
  • Connect to the control panels of ARRI’s Stabilized Remote Heads
Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 serial port in focus.

For future use

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 illustration of the USB-A port in focus.
USB-A port
  • Exchange lens files and user setups, and install software updates, through the integrated Bluetooth stick and the ECS Sync App
Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 illustration of the USB-C port in focus.
USB-C port
  • Install software updates via flash drive
  • Power the Hi‑5 from an external power supply
  • Exchange lens files and user setups via flash drive
Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 illustration of the NATO rail along with the multiple mounting points in focus.
NATO rail

Plus multiple mounting points

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 with WCU-4 plate support in focus.
WCU-4 plate support

Allowing use of the Wireless Video Receiver WVR‑1s

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 whose purpose designed monitor bracket is set in the focus.
Hi-5 Monitor Bracket

Purpose-designed for the Hi‑5

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 LBUS port in focus.
LBUS port
  • Update LBUS devices connected to the Hi‑5 via the ECS Sync App
  • Hardwire the Hi‑5 to ARRI cameras
  • Connect to the control panels of ARRI’s Stabilized Remote Heads
Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 serial port in focus.

For future use

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 illustration of the USB-A port in focus.
USB-A port
  • Exchange lens files and user setups, and install software updates, through the integrated Bluetooth stick and the ECS Sync App
Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 illustration of the USB-C port in focus.
USB-C port
  • Install software updates via flash drive
  • Power the Hi‑5 from an external power supply
  • Exchange lens files and user setups via flash drive
Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 illustration of the NATO rail along with the multiple mounting points in focus.
NATO rail

Plus multiple mounting points

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 with WCU-4 plate support in focus.
WCU-4 plate support

Allowing use of the Wireless Video Receiver WVR‑1s

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 whose purpose designed monitor bracket is set in the focus.
Hi-5 Monitor Bracket

Purpose-designed for the Hi‑5

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 LBUS port in focus.
LBUS port
  • Update LBUS devices connected to the Hi‑5 via the ECS Sync App
  • Hardwire the Hi‑5 to ARRI cameras
  • Connect to the control panels of ARRI’s Stabilized Remote Heads
Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 serial port in focus.

For future use

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 illustration of the USB-A port in focus.
USB-A port
  • Exchange lens files and user setups, and install software updates, through the integrated Bluetooth stick and the ECS Sync App
Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 illustration of the USB-C port in focus.
USB-C port
  • Install software updates via flash drive
  • Power the Hi‑5 from an external power supply
  • Exchange lens files and user setups via flash drive
Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 illustration of the NATO rail along with the multiple mounting points in focus.
NATO rail

Plus multiple mounting points

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 with WCU-4 plate support in focus.
WCU-4 plate support

Allowing use of the Wireless Video Receiver WVR‑1s

Handheld camera control unit ARRI Hi-5 whose purpose designed monitor bracket is set in the focus.
Hi-5 Monitor Bracket

Purpose-designed for the Hi‑5

Hi-5 FAQ

  • A lens table is transmitted to the Hi‑5 from the camera device where the lens data is generated. ALEXA Mini and Mini LF cameras, the Universal Motor Controller UMC-4, the cforce mini RF lens motor, and the Radio Interface Adapter RIA‑1 all support wireless lens file transfer. Classic ALEXA cameras including the Plus module load lens files from an SD card. 

  • Lens data is generated on the camera side and displayed on the Hi‑5. The data is generated in one of two ways:

    1. From LDS lenses, via the internal lens encoders
    2. From the Lens Data Archive (LDA), via the motor encoders
  • The Lens Data Archive (LDA) is an archive that contains lens tables. Those lens tables set the raw motor encoder values in correlation to the actual lens scales. Once you choose the right lens table from the Lens Data Archive and calibrate your lens motors, you get the same type of lens data as an LDS lens would deliver. You can create your own lens tables for any given lens with the Hi‑5 and save them internally, externally to a USB-C flash drive, or in an iOS device with the ECS Sync App. Lens tables can then be transferred wirelessly from Hi‑5 to the ALEXA Mini/Mini LF, the Radio Interface Adapter RIA‑1, the Universal Motor Controller UMC-4, or the cforce mini RF lens motor.

  • Yes, you can use the cforce mini RF with the Hi‑5 when equipped with the white-coded RF-EMIP Radio Module.

  • There are many different lenses on the market and we do not have an individual pre-marked ring for all of them. We do have 10 pre-marked rings with metric scale and 10 with imperial scale. These rings can be mapped to any given lens by using the Lens Data Archive (LDA).

  • There are various ways to make good use of pre-marked rings. You can choose the ring marked with a close focus or minimum object distance (MOD) that is nearest to – but less than – the MOD of your lens. For example, if your lens MOD is 16”, you would choose the 14” focus ring. Or you simply select the ring with the focus scale spread that best matches your scene.

  • The following WCU‑4 pre-marked rings are compatible with the Hi‑5:

    Metric: 0.20 m, 0.25 m, 0.35 m, 0.50 m, 1.00 m

    Imperial: 3’6, 20” (= 1’8)

  • It depends on which exchangeable radio module is being used. With the RF-EMIP radio module, the battery lasts up to 15 hours.

  • Yes, it is. The Hi‑5 indicates the override mode, which is triggered by the Operator Control Unit OCU‑1 or the Master Grips. The override function enables operators to return focus, iris, or zoom control to the OCU‑1/Master Grips at the touch of a button.

  • Manual calibration requires a software update and will be supported at a later point in time.

  • Yes, you can use the Hi‑5 hardwired connected to the camera or motor controller via the LBUS (4p) interface on the Hi‑5. The following cable connection is supported:

    1. Hi‑5 (LBUS) to (LBUS) lens motors
    2. Hi‑5 (LBUS) to (LCS) camera or motor controller
  • Yes, you can use the Hi‑5 with any camera, by using the Radio Interface Adapter RIA‑1 with one of our new radio modules (RF-EMIP, RF-2400, RF-900) connected to the camera via the CAM (7p) interface on the RIA‑1.

    The following cables are available:

    • K2.0015758 Cable CAM (7p) – RED CTRL/D-Tap (0.6 m/2’)
    • K2.0018814 Cable CAM (7p) – Sony Venice/F55 CTRL/D-Tap (0.6 m/2’)
    • K2.0015757 Cable CAM (7p) – LANC/D-Tap (0.6 m/2’)

    If the Cable CAM (7p) is too short, you can use following cable as a CAM cable extension:

    • K2.0023832 Cable CAM (7p, f) – CAM (7p, m) (0.3 m/1’)

    Alternatively, you can use the Universal Motor Controller UMC-4, the cforce mini RF, or the Mini Motor Controllers AMC-1, SMC-1 and EMC-1 with the RF-EMIP attached to the Hi‑5.

Sample setups

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to ALEXA 35 for camera and lens control

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for ALEXA 35 camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to ALEXA Mini/Mini LF and cforce motors

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for ALEXA Mini LF camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to ALEXA LF or ALEXA 65 and cforce motors

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for camera and lens control of ALEXA classic cameras

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for AMIRA camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to cforce mini RF for 3rd party camera and lens control

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for 3rd party camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to ALEXA 35 for camera and lens control

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for ALEXA 35 camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to ALEXA Mini/Mini LF and cforce motors

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for ALEXA Mini LF camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to ALEXA LF or ALEXA 65 and cforce motors

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for camera and lens control of ALEXA classic cameras

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for AMIRA camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to cforce mini RF for 3rd party camera and lens control

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for 3rd party camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to ALEXA 35 for camera and lens control

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for ALEXA 35 camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to ALEXA Mini/Mini LF and cforce motors

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for ALEXA Mini LF camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to ALEXA LF or ALEXA 65 and cforce motors

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for camera and lens control of ALEXA classic cameras

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for AMIRA camera and lens control

Hi‑5 + RF-EMIP connected to cforce mini RF for 3rd party camera and lens control

Hi‑5 connected to RIA‑1 (Host) for 3rd party camera and lens control

Video Room

Mar. 21, 2023

ARRI Tech Talk: Hi-5

Technical data

Focus Knob:

LED backlit rotary knob with adjustable friction, 3.0” diameter, 16 bit native encoder resolution

Iris Slider:

Fully sealed slider mechanism, 14 bit native encoder resolution

Force Pad:

Force sensitive joystick, x/y-direction


Transflective TFT-LCD display (readable in bright sunlight) 3.0" diagonal


830 g / 29.30 oz (incl. Bluetooth dongle and Smart Focus Ring Blank)


1x LBUS (4pin Lemo)

1x SERIAL (4pin Lemo)

1x Radio Module Interface

1x USB-A

1x USB-C

Power Supply:

ARRI LBP-3500 battery pack

LBP Battery Charger

NP-F550 battery (Sony) or compatible batteries

Power via USB-C port through an external power supply

Power via LBUS interface

Supply Voltage:

LBUS interface: 10.5 V – 34.0 V

Battery: 7.4 V

Power Consumption:

Without radio module: 222 mA @ 7.4 V
With RF-EMIP radio module: typ. 270 mA @ 7.4 V

With RF-2400 radio module: typ. 370 mA @ 7.4V

With RF-900 radio module @ 100 mW: typ. 330 mA @ 7.4 V

With RF-900 radio module @ 1 W: typ. 480 mA @ 7.4 V

Operating Temperature:

-20°C to +50°C (-4°F to +122°F)

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