
Certified User Training for Cameras

Camera Systems | In-person

This three-day training course covers all aspects of shooting with the ALEXA 35 and ALEXA Mini LF. Experienced working professionals teach the class using real-world production scenarios. On completion you will have advanced your knowledge of the functionality of the ARRI line of cameras, as well as your creative skills.

Each class has a limit of 12 attendees to insure ample hands-on experience with the equipment, and a high ratio of time with instructors. You will be provided with a detailed introduction to the new REVEAL Color Science, ARRI Textures, as well as ARRIRAW and other recording formats, ARRI look workflows, and the ARRI Electronic Control System. You will work directly with an ARRI camera kit, as well as computers loaded with postproduction software. Typical on-set situations and common postproduction workflows will be explored. Experimenting with the application of different ARRI looks and LUTs to suit individual setups will also be part of the hands-on teaching.



The course can be held in English, German, and Chinese.

What you will learn

  • In-depth knowledge and hands-on sessions with all camera systems
  • Introduction to the new REVEAL Color Science and ARRI Textures
  • Understanding linear light, logarithmic and video encoding
  • Advantages of ARRIRAW and ProRes codecs
  • Understanding recording formats and their applications
  • Exposing for SDR and HDR
  • How to team up ALEXA Mini LF and ALEXA 35 on a project
  • Exclusive insights into ARRI camera and sensor design

Who should attend

  • Cinematographers
  • Operators
  • Assistants
  • DITs
  • Rental staff


This in-person course has a duration of three days in total.


The course can be held in English, German, and Chinese.

What you will learn

  • In-depth knowledge and hands-on sessions with all camera systems
  • Introduction to the new REVEAL Color Science and ARRI Textures
  • Understanding linear light, logarithmic and video encoding
  • Advantages of ARRIRAW and ProRes codecs
  • Understanding recording formats and their applications
  • Exposing for SDR and HDR
  • How to team up ALEXA Mini LF and ALEXA 35 on a project
  • Exclusive insights into ARRI camera and sensor design
What you will learn
Who should attend

ALEXA 35 I Online

This course with a series of 9 sessions is designed to provide in-depth knowledge on the ALEXA 35’s powerful features, including the innovative ARRI Textures for creative control, the new REVEAL Color Science for superior color accuracy, and the advanced LogC4 workflow for seamless post-production integration. You’ll also explore how to use ARRI Looks for consistent visual styles, master exposure techniques with False Color, and ensure precise focus control with the camera’s advanced peaking tools. Each session is packed with practical examples and includes a learning snack to reinforce key concepts and ensure you’re prepared for real-world shooting scenarios. With direct access to ARRI’s latest tools and resources, this training is your gateway to becoming an expert on the ALEXA 35. Perfect for cinematographers, DPs, and camera operators looking to elevate their craft.

Online Platform

The Course is available on Panopto.

Take a look at a free demo here.

What you will learn

  •     REVEAL Color Science: Understand the new color engine for improved color accuracy and dynamic range.
  •     ARRI Textures: Explore the texture options in the ALEXA 35 for creative image control.
  •     ARRI Looks: Learn how to utilize ARRI Looks for consistent visual aesthetics.
  •     LogC4 and Log-to-Log Workflow: Dive into the new LogC4 curve and workflow for seamless post-production.
  •     Exposure Techniques: Utilize False Color to optimize the camera’s dynamic range for precise exposure.
  •     Focus Control: Master focus with advanced peaking functions on the ALEXA 35.
  •     Sensor Comparison: Compare exposure techniques between ALEV 3 and ALEV 4 sensors.
  •     Practical Applications: Apply ARRI tools in real-world scenarios for optimal results.
  •     Support Resources: Access additional resources and support for workflow and troubleshooting.
  •     Learning Snack: Each session ends with a learning snack for additional insights.


  • Session 1: Welcome and Key Features and Applications
  • Session 2: ALEXA 35 Hardware Components
  • Session 3: Recording Media and Formats
  • Session 4: ARRIRAW Explained
  • Session 5: LogC vs. Rec 709
  • Session 6: ARRI Looks
  • Session 7: ARRI Textures
  • Session 8: REVEAL Color Science Overview
  • Session 9: Exposure and Focus Control

Who should attend

  • Cinematographers
  • Operators
  • Assistants
  • DITs
  • Rental staff


This online course has a duration of more that 4 hours in total with links to additional video content and material.

It is divided up into nine individual sessions.


Florian Rettich, Senior Trainer & Consultant Digital Workflow Solutions, ARRI

Florian has been working with the ARRI Academy since 2016. Prior to joining ARRI he worked as an HD supervisor and DIT (bvk) all over Europe and is well known as a universal specialist for almost any kind of digital acquisition technology and digital workflow.

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The course is held in English.

Available Captions:

  • English (United States)
  • Português [Portuguese]
  • Español (España) [Spanish]
  • Français [French]
  • Deutsch [German]
  • Italiano [Italian]
  • 简体中文 [Simplified Chinese]
  • 繁體中文 [Traditional Chinese]
  • 日本語 [Japanese]
  • 한국어 [Korean]
  • عربی [Arabic]     

Online Platform

The Course is available on Panopto.

Take a look at a free demo here.

What you will learn

  •     REVEAL Color Science: Understand the new color engine for improved color accuracy and dynamic range.
  •     ARRI Textures: Explore the texture options in the ALEXA 35 for creative image control.
  •     ARRI Looks: Learn how to utilize ARRI Looks for consistent visual aesthetics.
  •     LogC4 and Log-to-Log Workflow: Dive into the new LogC4 curve and workflow for seamless post-production.
  •     Exposure Techniques: Utilize False Color to optimize the camera’s dynamic range for precise exposure.
  •     Focus Control: Master focus with advanced peaking functions on the ALEXA 35.
  •     Sensor Comparison: Compare exposure techniques between ALEV 3 and ALEV 4 sensors.
  •     Practical Applications: Apply ARRI tools in real-world scenarios for optimal results.
  •     Support Resources: Access additional resources and support for workflow and troubleshooting.
  •     Learning Snack: Each session ends with a learning snack for additional insights.
What you will learn
Who should attend
Online Platform

Large-Format Camera Systems | Online

This online training will be a series of six online sessions and corresponding self-learning units covering all aspects of working with ARRI's large-format camera system, comprising the ALEXA LF and Mini LF, ARRI Signature lenses, LPL lens mount, wireless video transmission, and wireless lens control.

Our experienced professional trainer will detail the many possibilities the large-format camera system has to offer, giving you expert advice and the opportunity to enhance your knowledge of camera functions and advanced look workflows. At the end of the course you will come away with a certificate indicating your product competence and ability to use the large-format camera system to its full potential in real-world situations.


Online platform

The course is available on MZed - Education for Creatives.


What you will learn

  • In-depth knowledge of ARRI's large-format camera system, from preproduction through to post
  • Creative ARRI look workflows and color science
  • Understanding linear light, logarithmic and video encoding
  • The full capabilities of HDR and wide color gamut monitoring
  • Exclusive insights into ARRI camera and sensor design


  • Session 1: ALEXA LF and ALEXA Mini LF
  • Session 2: Lens Mounts, Lenses and Filters
  • Session 3: Menu Configuration, Web Remote and Camera Access Protocol
  • Session 4: Recording Media, Formats and Online Tools
  • Session 5: ARRIRAW, Rec 709 vs Log C and Exposure
  • Session 6: ARRI Look Management, Postproduction and HDR

Who should attend

  • Cinematographers
  • Operators
  • Assistants
  • DITs
  • Students
  • Film school teachers
  • Rental staff


This online course has a duration of more than eight hours in total.

It is divided up into six individual sessions.

To read more about what each session includes, click on the "Buy now" button below.


Florian Rettich, Senior Trainer & Consultant Digital Workflow Solutions, ARRI

Florian has been working with the ARRI Academy since 2016. Prior to joining ARRI he worked as an HD supervisor and DIT (bvk) all over Europe and is well known as a universal specialist for almost any kind of digital acquisition technology and digital workflow.

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This course is held in English.

Subtitles are available in English.

Online platform

The course is available on MZed - Education for Creatives.


What you will learn

  • In-depth knowledge of ARRI's large-format camera system, from preproduction through to post
  • Creative ARRI look workflows and color science
  • Understanding linear light, logarithmic and video encoding
  • The full capabilities of HDR and wide color gamut monitoring
  • Exclusive insights into ARRI camera and sensor design
What you will learn
Who should attend
Online platform

Camera Systems | Online

This online training will be a series of eight sessions and access to self-learning resources covering all aspects of shooting with the ALEXA LF, ALEXA Mini, ALEXA SXT W, and AMIRA. You will be given the opportunity to enhance your knowledge of camera functions and advanced look workflows. Experienced professionals will detail the many possibilities the cameras have to offer, giving you expert advice.

At the end of the course you will come away with a certificate indicating your product competence and ability to use the cameras to their full potential in real-world situations.

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Online platform

The course is available on MZed - Education for Creatives.


Who should attend

  • Cinematographers
  • Operators
  • Assistants
  • DITs
  • Students
  • Film school teachers
  • Rental staff


  • Session 1: ALEXA LF and ALEXA SXT W
  • Session 2: AMIRA and ALEXA Mini
  • Session 3: Lens Mounts, Lenses and Filters
  • Session 4: Menu Configuration, Web Remote and Camera Access Protocol
  • Session 5: Recording Media, Recording Formats, and Online Tools
  • Session 6: ARRIRAW, Rec709 v LogC, Exposure and Focus Control
  • Session 7: ARRI Looks, Color Tool and Post Production Workflow
  • Session 8: ARRI Image Quality and HDR

What you will learn

  • Creative ARRI look workflows and ARRI color science
  • Understanding linear light, logarithmic and video encoding, recording formats and their applications
  • Advantages of ARRIRAW and Apple ProRes codecs
  • Exposing for SDR and HDR
  • Exclusive insights into ARRI camera and sensor design
  • Wireless camera control via Electronic Control System and WiFi
  • Learning sessions with our online simulators and tools, as well as common postproduction tools


This online course has a total duration of over 10 hours.

It is divided up into eight individual sessions.

For details on what each session includes, click the 'Buy now' button below.



Florian Rettich, Senior Trainer & Consultant Digital Workflow Solutions, ARRI

Florian has been working with the ARRI Academy since 2016. Prior to joining ARRI he worked as an HD supervisor and DIT (bvk) all over Europe and is well known as a universal specialist for almost any kind of digital acquisition technology and digital workflow.

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This course is held in English.

Subtitles are available in English and Spanish (Latin America).

Online platform

The course is available on MZed - Education for Creatives.


Who should attend

  • Cinematographers
  • Operators
  • Assistants
  • DITs
  • Students
  • Film school teachers
  • Rental staff
Who should attend
What you will learn
Online platform


ARRI Academy Pre-registration

You can pre-register for one or more of ARRI’s Certified User and Service Training courses. Register today without any obligation and, depending on the regional demand, we will schedule and inform you about a training near you.