
Formats & Data Rate Calculator

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The ARRI Formats and Data Rate Calculator (FDRC) is an online tool that calculates the record durations and data rates for different camera settings (combinations of camera model, codec, resolution, project rate, sensor speed, recording media, audio on/off). It also gives deeper insight into available recording formats and camera modes.

The section “Format Preview” lists the sensor and recording resolution for each recording format as well as a graphical preview for both sensor and recorded clip.

Open FDRC in new window

The ARRI Formats and Data Rate Calculator (FDRC) is an online tool that calculates the record durations and data rates for different camera settings (combinations of camera model, codec, resolution, project rate, sensor speed, recording media, audio on/off). It also gives deeper insight into available recording formats and camera modes.

The section “Format Preview” lists the sensor and recording resolution for each recording format as well as a graphical preview for both sensor and recorded clip.

Open FDRC in new window