ARRI Live Link Plugin that streams metadata using ARRI cameras as in a virtual production surrounding to the Unreal Engine.

ARRI Live Link Metadata

The Plug-In for Unreal Engine

ARRI's Live Link Metadata Plug-in for Unreal Engine streams relevant metadata from the ARRI camera system to the Unreal Engine via the Universal Motor Controller (UMC-4) or natively via the Alexa35 camera. It enables the transmission of real-time lens metadata as well as relevant camera metadata, such as camera state (recording mode, ready to record, errors, warnings...).

How does LLM fit into the Unreal-pipeline?

Playing a vital role in hauling metadata into engine, Live Link Metadata connects Unreal with the stream of camera metadata like e.g. whitebalance, exposure index or lens-data:

graphic depicting the functionality of the Live Link Metadata plugin within the Unreal tool chain


Supported Development & Target Build Platform: Win64