
ARRI Service

Technical service and support for ARRI products

Worldwide technical support for ARRI products

For over a hundred years, ARRI has been recognized as one of the world's leading providers of motion picture cameras, lighting, and archival equipment. As part of ARRI’s continued commitment to customers, we offer the finest technical support for all ARRI products at 13 advanced service centers worldwide. Our global workflow is equipped to handle issues between offices and across different time zones to maximize responsiveness and reduce delays.

Lens Service

To offer lens customers an even greater level of support, ARRI has exclusive-level lens service available in Burbank, Munich, Beijing, and Hong Kong. All service centers provide rapid response and cutting-edge support for film and television production hotspots around the world.

  • A modern “clean room” environment
  • Complete lens repair services as well as primary support
  • A comprehensive diagnostic check, including lens projection tests to check focus and chromatic aberration and tests to determine contrast, flange focal distance, and LDS functionality