Project name: WGN Studios
Jeffrey Wilson, Director of Creative, WGN-TV, Antenna TV, and THIS-TV
Beth Fowler, Lighting Designer of Studio 2
Jim Sippel, Lighting Designer of Studio 1
Location: WGN-TV, Tribune Media, Chicago, IL, USA
Project scope: Two WGN studios needed an update two studios with versatile LEDs with enough flexibility to be operated without in-house lighting staff.
Solutions Group services: Sale only
Project Details:
- One of the challenges was to create lighting and a lighting interface that could work for all WGN news shows, with all the different announcers and camera angles, without dedicated lighting staff.
- Lighting fixtures need to stay pretty high, because WGN directors like to have big jib wide shots for bumps. Beth Fowler used Fresnel key lights, along with ARRI SkyPanel S120-Cs for soft, yet directional fill lights. S120-C – a big soft source, matched to the other LED lights, which operators can instantly adjust when new announcers sit down between shows.
- Both studios have a toolbox in which the S120-Cs provide maximum flexibility for all the programming done there.