The former ARRI High Speed ballast versions are replaced by the EB MAX Range offering cutting-edge features with extended remote control possibilities.

The former ARRI High Speed ballast versions are replaced by the EB MAX Range offering cutting-edge features with extended remote control possibilities.
ARRI restructured and cleared out the ballast portfolio in oder to clearly display the best choices for the user.
Three active portfolios will replace the discontinued models:
ARRI restructured and streamlined the portfolio of electronic ballasts in oder to clearly display the best choices for the user.
Lightweight high-speed models combine all advantages expected on set. ARRI's active EB range offers even more possibilities.
Available EB versions are still listed in the High Speed portfolio.
Over the years, ARRI has adapted its lamphead and ballast portfolio to the changing market conditions.
Although the Battery/DC ballasts have been discontinued, they are still on the market and used with battery belts as handy portable daylight system solutions.
To learn more about them and to access necessary information when working with ARRI Battery/DC ballasts please see the download section below.
Modern day cameras are far more sensitive compared to analogue or early day digital models and work also brilliantly at lower light levels, making boost function rarely used. For the maximum in brightness and framerate of 1,000 fps or higher, ARRI offers a wide range of state of the art electronic high-speed ballasts incl. the new spearhead EB MAX Range.
ARRI's EB electronic ballasts provide many advantages compared to simple choke ballasts. Following the idea to offer best suitable gear for application need, the EB Basic range replaces the former CB ballasts.
ARRI offered ballasts dedicated to the Event business. This Ballast range, including the MULTIFUNCTION versions and all ARRI EVENT SINGLE, EVENT THREE and EVENT SIX ballasts are discontinued.