
ARRIRAW Converter (ARC)

The reference tool for ARRIRAW processing.

The ARRIRAW Converter (ARC) is ARRI's free reference tool for processing MXF/ARRIRAW or ARRIRAW files to render images of optimal quality. It contains ARRI's Software Development Kit (SDK) which is also used in the postproduction tools from Adobe, Autodesk, Blackmagic, Colorfront, FilmLight, Filmmaster, Nablet AVID AMA PlugIn, The Foundry, and many others.

Use the ARRIRAW Converter

  • to create projects with bins and sequences
  • to display ARRIRAW and MXF/ARRIRAW files using individual processing settings
  • to apply different looks on the footage
  • to display metadata
  • to render files to one of the common formats for postproduction, such as OpenEXR, DPX or QuickTime/ProRes or to unwrap MXF/ARRIRAW files into ARRIRAW files
  • to display the CODEX HDE (High Density Encoding) file format *.arx



ARRIRAW CONVERTER has been discontinued

Use our combined ARRI Reference Tool (ART) for viewing, rendering, look file creation, or metadata extraction.

For questions or help using these tools, contact our Workflow Department via digitalworkflow@arri.de



ARRIRAW Converter Videos