2D Rental house in Toronto, Canada, originated a new kind of way to shoot with SkyPanels. The SkyWall, a game that tests your hand-eye coordination, comprised an array of 30 x SkyPanel S60-Cs. A player has one minute to hit as many green targets as possible using basic NERF guns. One of the 30 SkyPanels changes color from red to green at a rapid speed that increases with every successful hit. The amount of successful hits determines the winner.
"We programmed the panels using a micro-computer and Peso sensors attached to the lights. It was overall a basic system that the micro-computer outputted a DMX signal and ran the lights. It also received the data from the sensors when the nerf ball hit the light fixture. We only made use of the DMX. We used HSL mode to some degree to keep things simple, and controlling the lights was a breeze from something like a micro-computer, which is not a typical communication system," explains David Dvir, the owner of 2D House.
5. Little Cinema's state-of-the-art virtual events platform
SkyPanel S60-C has been a go-to live stream lighting fixture for years, but the demand picked up during quarantine. At the end of June, LA-based rental house “Kinetic Lighting” named SkyPanel S60-C their most popular quarantine fixture. In the past six months, SkyPanels have been spotted at many home studios across the world illuminating live streams and virtual events.