Directed by Farah Khan and produced by Gauri Khan under the banner of Mumbai-based production company Red Chillies Entertainment, "Happy New Year" is one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of all time. It was captured with ALEXA XT cameras and ARRI/ZEISS Master Prime lenses by cinematographer Manush Nandan, who spoke with ARRI about the production.
How did you come to choose ALEXA for this film?
I was a fan of ALEXA right from the time it was introduced and I used it to shoot my previous feature film, "Ishkq in Paris." I don't believe in comparing film and digital and do not agree with the term film-look; unless there is a side-by-side comparison it is difficult even for a seasoned technician to differentiate between film and digital footage. I always choose a format that gives me the freedom to present a story visually, without any hindrance.
Out of all the digital cameras available I prefer ALEXA because it gives me complete freedom in terms of the visual spectrum. The arrival of XT only made it better; I was happy with ProRes, but the ability to record full ARRIRAW in-camera has given me even more to play with.