The Filipino comedy film “Fruitcake” follows a diverse cast of characters hailing from different walks of life, struggling with personal issues. As each person faces the worst day of their life, their paths unexpectedly intertwine on a fateful train ride. Produced by Create Cinema and Cornerstone Entertainment, “Fruitcake” celebrated its theatrical release in the Philippines on June 12. Speaking to ARRI, director Joel Ferrer DGPI, cinematographer Tey Clamor LPS, and the Malasmalas visual effects team reveal how they worked together to achieve captivating images for the VFX-heavy film.
“With a mishmash of different characters, we decided on making the visuals chaotic, but at the same time preserve a sense of naturalism against the funny, absurd, and fast-paced storytelling to ground the characters within a realistic setting,” says director Ferrer.